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After 1000% gains in the last months of 2021, many investors are now wondering if the Shiba Inu cryptocurrency can reach $1 in 2022? While this may seem like a no-brainer, this is cryptocurrency and anything is possible.

​​The truth is that no one can say for sure when the Shiba Inu coin will reach $1. It is a cryptocurrency that has grown by 1,294,881.3% since its launch. In 2020, no one would have thought that a $100 investment in a Shiba Inu (SHIB) would turn into millions of dollars just over a year later. If the Shiba Inu makes a similar move in 2022, it could easily trade at $1 by the end of 2022.

Shiba Inu Award

However, if we take a more conservative approach to SHIB's price, 2030 appears to be the first to trade for $1. Here, SHIB is assumed to increase by several thousand percentage points each bull cycle. Now let's see the details of how SHIB could reach $1 by 2030.

Will Shiba Inu hit $0.0001 in 2022?

Shiba Inu

By the end of 2022, the Shiba Inu could reach the $0.0001 mark and lose another zero after the decimal point.

In October 2021, it ate another zero. The trigger for such a rally between now and the end of 2022 would likely be broader market price action.

If the market is bullish in 2022, then it is possible that SHIB will eat another zero. This is because the hype surrounding SHIB is quite strong at the moment, as can be seen from its price performance in October and early November. With so many expecting SHIB to rise, FOMO could see a gain of several thousand percent next year.

In 2023, Shiba Inu's price action will largely depend on the market's performance in 2022. If the market is bullish in 2022, then some of that momentum could spill over into SHIB in 2023. However, if the market is lackluster in 2022, The Shiba Inu could enter a corrective phase in 2023.

2023 - possible fix

Shiba Inu is one of the potential cryptocurrencies to explode in 2023. Remember that the price action of Shiba has a lot to do with the performance of the broader cryptocurrency market. So if Bitcoin slows down in 2023, Shib could either correct in 2023 or make marginal gains compared to its previous moves.

This assumption has a solid historical basis. The year before the Bitcoin halving, the market is usually dull. This is usually the time when long-term investors pile in and those with big gains from previous rallies take profits. Bitcoin's next halving is scheduled for 2024, and after the pump that started in 2020, the exhaustion of bulls could cause the market to trade sideways in 2023.

Will Shiba Inu price reach $0.01 in 2024 or 2025?

This could also be an opportunity for investors to accumulate SHIB before 2024, when the next bitcoin halving occurs. If the impact of the last half is anything to go by, Shiba (SHIB) could easily go above $0.01 in 2024.

That's because at this point, its fundamentals will be much better than when they first pumped in 2020.

For starters, many more people will know about Shiba Inu by 2024. For its potential to turn ordinary people into millionaires, many people could buy SHIB after the BTC halving in 2024 with similar expectations. This FOMO could see it rally several thousand percent for the year.

Then there is the token supply aspect. The Shiba Inu started with a large number of chips, a quadrillion to be exact. However, more than 50% of this supply is currently out of circulation. This is thanks to the deflationary nature of the Shiba Inu and Vitalik Buterin, who burns almost 50% of the total supply. The Shiba Inu is designed so that the more people use it, the more the supply decreases. Given the growth rate of its adoption, its supply will be much lower by 2024. This could cause SHIB to rise to $0.01 in 2024.

Since the effects of the Bitcoin halving last around 1.5 years, SHIB could maintain its upward momentum until 2025.

2026 to 2027 – Minor fix

In 2026 and 2027, SHIB could see a slight correction or maintain its value. This is due to profit taking and growth slowing in the broader market.

2028 - $0.10

The next pump for SHIB could come in 2028. This is the time for the next bitcoin halving, when SHIB could reach prices above $0.10. This is the time for the next bitcoin halving. At this moment, Bitcoin could be trading for almost $1 million. Many institutions that previously sat on the fence may now become interested in cryptocurrencies.

As one of the larger-cap cryptocurrencies, Shiba Inu could draw a lot of that institutional money. Also, it wouldn't be surprising if there were ETFs for most major cryptocurrencies at this point, including SHIB. This, along with shrinking supply due to regular coin burns, could help keep SHIB in the $0.10-$0.50 price range in 2028.

2029 - $0.50

In 2029, the most significant factor contributing to Shiba Inu's price pace is retail money. If current market dynamics are anything to go by, most large-cap cryptocurrencies could be out of reach for small investors by 2029. At this point, Bitcoin and Ethereum are already out of reach for people with little capital to invest.

For example, $100 invested in BTC makes no sense today. Fees eat up most of the investment and the potential return is minimal. Things will get even worse when bitcoins trade for hundreds of thousands of dollars per coin.

Virtual currencies are highly volatile. Your capital is at risk.

Will the Shiba Inu price reach $1 in 2030?

In such a scenario, high-quality but cheap cryptocurrencies like Shiba Inu will become more attractive than ever for small investors. Furthermore, there will be a much wider consensus that cryptocurrencies are here to stay. This is very likely to help increase the demand for SHIB. It is the single most important factor that could see Shiba (SHIB) reach $1 by 2030.

With the crypto market fully matured in 2030 and most of the get-rich-quick hype gone, SHIB could trade for $1 or so until the 2040s.

Of course, this is all conjecture and SHIB Inu could hit $1 much sooner or never hit it. The only way to find out is to have the skin in the game and play the long game. When Bitcoin was trading for pennies, no one would have thought that 10 years later it could be worth $60,000. However, those who bought and held everything are now multi-millionaires and billionaires.

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