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Elon Musk Shares Wild Video of Falcon 9 Rocket's Death Dive

 Starlink satellite view

SpaceX launches so many Falcon 9 rocket missions that they are practically routine. "Hey, another Falcon 9 launch. What's for lunch?" But sometimes we get a new perspective on the mission and my enthusiasm for rockets is renewed. On Thursday, SpaceX founder Elon Musk tweeted a remarkable sight of the Falcon 9 burning up in the second stage of deorbit.


— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) October 6, 2022

It's not the highest resolution view you'll ever see, but what's remarkable about the image and video is that it's from the perspective of the Starlink satellite. It is easier to recognize the action in the video clip. Look behind the chain of satellites floating in space and watch for a small white object near the upper right corner. At first it seems to float there, then it shoots to the right like a bat out of hell.

Here's what's going on. The Falcon 9 — SpaceX's launch vehicle, responsible for launching both satellites and astronauts — uses two stages. The first one handles the heavy lifting of takeoff and then returns to Earth for reuse. The second stage delivers the payload to orbit. The second stage is ultimately doomed to burn up in the Earth's atmosphere. By burning the deorbit, it gets into a position where it can be disposed of safely.

The International Space Station shines in glamorous images of the SpaceX Crew Dragon


SpaceX is pumping Starlinks into orbit to build a global broadband network. Satellites have been a source of controversy over how they can appear as unwanted streaks of light in astronomical observations.

Musk's video also raises questions about the capabilities of the Starlink camera. I reached out to SpaceX to ask about the Starlink cameras, how many satellites might have been equipped with them, and what their main purpose was. I'll update if I hear back.

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