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Apple iPhone 14's Emergency SOS via Satellite Can Save Lives; Here's how it works

 Emergency SOS via satellite is an exclusive feature of the iPhone 14 series, including iPhone 14 Pros. This feature allows users to send SOS texts even when mobile signal is lost. The company's mission is to give users peace of mind knowing that help is available even in the most remote parts of the world. Here's a quick rundown of how this life-saving feature works.

It's not uncommon for people who love to travel to find themselves in a wreck, perhaps due to a car accident on the road, getting lost in the woods, or a hike gone astray. In most cases, situations like these proved deadly due to the lack of network connectivity and no way to call for help.

In the aforementioned conditions, the user can use the Apple iPhone 14 device to send a short emergency SOS text with location data to nearby rescue equipment. iMessage now offers three ways to send text messages: Internet, SIM, and Emergency SOS via satellite. Selecting the third prompts the user to a screen with five options for declaring an emergency.

You can choose vehicle problem, injury, crime, lost or trapped, or fire. Following the instructions will lead to an intuitive graphical interface on the new iPhone 14 model. It will guide the user when positioning the iPhone for a successful satellite handshake. It requires a clear view of the sky to work.

The satellite will relay the message directly to emergency services or via Apple relay center support. The content of the notification may include the situation, the remaining battery of the phone and its location. The company can keep rescuers in sync if the user changes locations.

Texts sent via satellite may take some time to browse; Apple suggests keeping them short. The service will go online in November. Initially, it will only be available in the US and Canada. Each user will be able to use the service for free on their iPhone for two years, after which certain fees will apply.

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