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OPPO X 2021 Concept Phone Unveiled — Meet the World's First Rollable Phone

 This year, we have seen the calls coming from. Calls that open are open. Indeed, even an open phone. In addition, so as not to be distracted by the opposition, Oppo comes out with their wire-building equipment. Among the world's first mobile phones - OPPO X 2021.

At the Day event, Oppo unveiled a new gadget. It is the concept of a telephone, which means that it will not be accessible to the full buyer, but is only intended to be proof of concept. In normal mode, the OPPO X 2021 is your 6.7 "standard phone. However, by tapping your finger, its OLED display expands, constantly changing it to a 7.4" tablet.

The mechanical device is used to amplify or obtain a consistent presentation (which makes the screen size of the OPPO X 2021 flexible.) Also, the movable screen receives strong support from the base plate and display cover.

Collapsible calls are not set as usual yet. If the Galaxy Fold and its replacement are a guide, falling two parts of the show itself is not the most useful answer to a duplicate item. You should control the second presentation externally. In addition, the pivot does not take into account any residual or water resistance. Samsung needs to redesign the pivot with bristles to keep the remains and flotsam and jetsam out. There is no pivot in the Oppo X 2021 program.

The stiffness is given aside, the folding does not pinpoint the style with the same symbol. Huawei's two Galaxy Fold and Mate X rounds have subtle wrinkles that run down their display. And these folding phones, when closed, are as tight as two calls placed on top of each other - they can't find a way to get into your pocket.

The Oppo X 2021 gets a richer response to the dual building feature. The call will be brought to market 'in due course', Oppo's VP said.

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